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Wales 2008 Diary

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Due to the fog of time, this diary will not follow the same format as my other diaries, I will just be putting down the basic information I have at this time.

Wales 2008

I am not sure of timings for this holiday, I didn’t do a diary, so I am recounting our week away from photos taken at the time.

You will see in some photos, I am not wearing my glasses, I had started to use contact lenses in stead of using my glasses. I eventually gave them up, as I couldn’t get on with them.


Saturday 12th July, Andy, Ray, Len (Rays’ brother) and I set off for a week in North Wales. This would be the 1st time Len had been with the three of us to Wales. We all piled into my Hyundai Trajet people carrier, loads of room for the four of us and our gear. My camera at this time was a Fujifilm FinePix 6900Zoom bridge camera. It served me well at the time, but with the memory cards only being 128mb and the camera was only 3.3 megapixels, my photos were never going to be anything special (some might say my photos are still nothing special… they may be right, but I like the ones I post on here). Some of the photos I will post for this Wales adventure are a mix of mine and the rest of the group.

We were staying at Dyfnia Bach (our home from home), on the outskirts of Llanfair PG. We did our normal 1st day things like settling into the cottage, going to Tesco’s in Bangor to stock up on supplies (like previous years, a lot of alcohol was purchased… you would think we might have learnt our lesson from previous years that alcohol and physical exertion don’t mix… but hey ho it was a holiday for relaxation as much as it was to get out and do the physical exertion stuff). Once we had settled in and done the supply run, we just chilled out for the rest of the day.


South Stack Lighthouse

Our 1st excursion out was to South Stack Lighthouse to the West of Holyhead, Andy, Ray and I had been here before, it was Len’s 1st visit. It is a lovely place to visit, and the views are fantastic. In all our visits, we have never ventured down the steps to the lighthouse itself.

The weather was gorgeous, hardly a cloud in the sky, but we could see Snowdonia had a layer of cloud just over the mountain tops. Once parked up, we headed down the track leading to the cliff edge, taking photos as we went. We also took time out to just sit and take in the views and loose our selves in our own thoughts. I feel blessed when I am away with these friends, because it’s not all about having to do this or do that, you can take your time, if you want to just sit down and reflect on things, they seem to sense this and let you get on with it, but there is still the sense of companionship, there are the times we are just fooling around taking the mickey out of each other (to a certain extent it reminds me of being in the army, the ability one minute to be taking the mickey, the next they are there to support you). Len being the newest member of the group seemed to just get it straight away, I have a great photo of him sat not far from the cliff edge lost in his own thoughts.

We spent a few hours at the lighthouse before heading back to the cottage.

Len deep in thought South Stack Lighthouse

Len deep in thought South Stack Lighthouse


Llyn Crafnant

Today we set off on another of our favourite walks, Llyn Crafnant. I am not going into the details of the walk, as I have covered it in more detail on previous adventures. Again, it was Len’s 1st time doing this walk. The weather was overcast, I think the clouds we could see from South Stack Lighthouse had hung around. Len spotted a slow worm heading for cover as we passed.




We seemed to have done Tryfan, but unusual for me, I don’t seem to have any photos (not sure if I have lost them somehow or I just didn’t take any). So, I am not sure if I went via the North ridge by myself and met up with Andy, Ray & Len, or if we all went from Idwal cottage. I hate my memory sometimes!!


I have absolutely no idea where we went this day, I have looked at the few photos I have of this day, and I cannot work out where we went! I have even asked Andy if he remembers, but he is having the same problem as me, when you have been to the same area so many times, the fog of time mixes up your memory! As I have said previously, I think I have lost some photos somewhere over the years, I know I had an external hard drive fail, which I took to a specialist to try and reclaim as many of the files as they could, but I think that some of my photos from this trip have gone for good!



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