Skipton Castle Woods
Walk 18th February 2017

The start of Skipton Castle Woods
I have been to Skipton once before, and that was the midway point of a group walk from Gargrave to Skipton and back to Gargrave along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Once we arrived in Skipton, we had an hour to do our own thing, grab a bite to eat, walk around the market etc. I knew there was a Castle somewhere, but I hadn’t looked into where it was, as it turns out, during my walk around Skipton, I was a stone’s throw from it.
On Monday 13th February, a work colleague of mine Alfie, was posting on facebook, photos of a walk he was doing on his day off, on enquiring where the walk was, he told me Skipton Castle Woods, so from that moment on I made my plans to do this walk.
So on Saturday 18th February, I got ready, loaded my camera equipment and my boots into my car, and set off to Skipton. I had been looking on google maps for somewhere to park, and noted there is a car park more or less in the centre of Skipton, so I head for there. Once there I noticed it was a short term car park, I parked up and went to the ticket machine to check what the maximum stay and cost was. The maximum stay was 4 hours, which would have been fine for me, but then I noticed the cost, £8!! On my way into the car park I had noticed a sign post, pointing to a long stay car park, so I then headed to that, dreading what the cost for the long stay would be. I arrived at Bailey Car Park, and was surprised to see it was only £2.50 for the day.

The back of Skipton Castle
Once I had parked up, I put on my boots, and headed for the exit, I followed the pavement downhill, following the garden walls of the Castle, then past the Castle entrance. I will one day go and visit the Castle, but not today. I walked through the grounds of Holy Trinity Church; this route just cuts off a corner and brings you to a road called Mill Bridge.
I continued until I had crossed the 1st bridge, and took the steps to the right onto the tow path of the canal. To the left of the tow path is Eller Beck. The canal and Eller Beck both wind their way behind Skipton Castle, there is a man made water fall that flows into the beck from the left, I think it is an overflow for some water course which is high above the beck, behind some trees. The canal at the back of the castle is dammed up with fallen rocks from near the base of the Castle; it also seems to become a dead end. Not far from this point there is a footbridge over the beck, I followed this which takes you between some buildings and onto a lane called Chapel Hill, I headed left, then trough a gate between some cottages, this leads into Skipton Castle Woods. I followed the track with the beck to my right, this is a pleasant walk through the woods, with benches every so often, where you can sit and take in the peace and quiet of the woods, with just the sound of the beck flowing towards Skipton. After short distance you come to a bridge, here you have a choice of 2 tracks to take, the first just before you cross the bridge, goes left and uphill, the second, which I took, takes you over the bridge to Round Dam, the track goes between the beck and Round Dam.

The weir by Round Dam
There is a weir across the beck with quite a long drop, which makes a nice waterfall. After taking a few photos at the weir, I headed back the way I had come, once back in Skipton, I went for a bite to eat then back to my car and headed off home.
This is a nice little walk, especially in the summer, on this occasion the sun was out, but very muddy under foot in places. I could have made it a full day of walking, as the track I was on near to Round Dam continued, not sure for how far, but the opportunity is there, especially with the other track before the bridge near round Dam. I would like to continue on one of these tracks sometime in the near future.