Lake District

I do not know when we did any of the walks in The Lake District other than it was around 1990, as far as I am aware none of my companions took a camera with them to record any of our exploits in this lovely area of the country, so my trip reports will reflect this. Like I have said, Colin was the catalyst in getting me back into walking & climbing, so it was with Colin, Micky, Geoff and Mike (Geoff’s brother) that we set off to The Lake District to climb Helvellyn and then maybe a month or so later Blencathra.
We set off to The Lake District, Glenridding to be precise, to climb Helvellyn. We all worked for Russell Tiles except Geoff’s brother Mike, so for Micky and me this was the first time we had met Mike! The journey up to Glenridding was nothing special, an overcast wet morning! We got parked up in the car park and started to get our walking boots on, it was at this point we noticed that the river running next to the car park was only just flowing under the bridge! Although it was raining we set off. After only doing about half a mile or so the rain was getting heavier, in fact at one point we were sure that it was coming down so hard that it was bouncing off the ground and back up! We had a quick chat about what we should do? We came to the decision to turn back, we got back to the car and changed our boots and found a pub! Colin used to have a saying whenever he ordered a drink he would add in a tough sounding voice "In a durty glass", (this saying so I am led to believe comes from a Bob Hope and Bing Crosby film called The Road to Utopia, Bob & Bing go into an Alaskan saloon and orders a lemonade, then Bing notices all the tough looking locals, so adds in a tough sounding voice "In a durty glass"), this seemed very apt as Micky was only 17 and the landlord wouldn't serve him for a beer, especially as Micky was looking not very confident and counting out his change in his hand! (I think you had to be there). We had a chat about our day so far over our drinks and started to make plans for our next excursion, and then we headed home!
Our next excursion into the Lake District was to climb Blencathra; the same group that went to climb Helvellyn was on this climb! We parked up and got our boots on, the weather was overcast but not raining. We started off, I was up for this walk and it wasn't long before I heard Colin calling for me to slow down! “you are not in the army now so no need to yomp” I settled into a steady pace with everyone else! When we started to traverse Sharp Edge, Micky got a bit scared as he had not done anything like this before! We all made it to the summit, had a bite to eat and drink then headed back down to the car, with nothing eventful happening. (Sorry there is not any real detail on this walk, but it was quite a few years ago, and our memories are not what they used to be, also we didn't take any photos to bring back any memories!) That was basically our Lake District adventures, I don't know why we didn't go up that way again, might just have been the distance!
Loughrigg Fell
Loughrigg Fell is situated on the outskirts of Ambleside. Ambleside is a lovely little town in The Lake District National Park, and is at the head of Lake Windermere. It is a great base for hiking, mountaineering, mountain biking and water sports.
Loughrigg Fell has excellent views of the Langdale Pikes and the fells around Grasmere, together with the Fairfield horseshoe and the Coniston Fells. Elter Water can also be seen.