22nd June 2014
I have always planned to visit Holmfirth for quite a few years, as I used to watch the BBC sitcom Last of the Summer Wine, which was filmed in and around Holmfirth. While watching the three main characters, Compo (Bill Owen), Clegg (Peter Sallis and Foggy (Brian Wilde) going on their various adventures around this beautiful area,I would think I would like to visit this area to see some of these views. But in truth the series is filmed over a very wide area, with only a few film location being in Holmfirth, but I still wanted to visit this lovely town. So on 22nd June 2014, with a route card from my AA 20 walks in West Yorkshire, I set off for Holmfirth.

Last of the Summer Wine's Compo, Foggy & Clegg.
As I had never been to Holmfirth before, I used my sat nav get me there, but I am not sure where it went wrong because I came in from a totally different direction to which I should have done. The way I came in was to the South East of Holmfirth, but coming in this way afforded me some lovely views.

The view towards Hepworth.
Yorkshire was gripped by Tour de France mania in 2014, as it was starting in Yorkshire, well Leeds to be precise, but it was due to go through Holmfirth on Sunday 6th July, which was only 2 weeks away after my visit. So the whole area had various things to celebrate the fact it was going through Yorkshire, there was old bicycles painted yellow and secured in various places, there were also a lot of cyclists

Sid's cafe from Last of the Summer Wine decorated with the Tour de France Polka dots.
I parked my car in Crown Bottom car park of the Co-op just off Huddersfield Road. Once parked I popped into the Co-op for snacks & supplies. I then headed onto the Huddersfield Road and turned right, following the road to the fire station. Opposite the fire station is a road called Wood Lane, I turned into Wood Lane, which starts to climb up hill. The lane
becomes a steep track. Going to the left of a house, then through the gate, continuing along the walled path. At the bench at the top of the hill, I followed the track round to the right, then round to the left down into the valley. Following the track with some woods to the right, there are a few tracks to choose from, I took the left hand track following the walled track uphill, to join a more substantial farm track, heading towards a building at the top of the track, I took the second stile on the left, and headed across a field, emerging by some houses in Upperthong. On reaching the road I turned left, following it through the top of the village. I was supposed to continue along Broad Lane, but I decided to turn left down Upperthong Lane, as I wanted to find the final resting place of Compo (Bill Owen).

Fuchsias in bloom along Upperthong Lane.
I continued down Upperthong Lane looking for St Johns Church. Once I found it, I had to walk all around the graveyard to find Bill Owens grave. There was me thinking there would be some really elaborate head stone, but I couldn't find it, I thought I had gone to the wrong church, but just as I was going to give up, I suddenly found what I was looking for... a pair of scruffy wellies.

The final resting place of Bill Owen
AKA Compo
After paying my respects, I continued along Upperthong Lane, until I re-joined Huddersfield Road. I then turned left into Victoria Street, following the road round to the left into Town Gate. Just as I started to walk along Town Gate, I looked to my right, and noticed Sid's Cafe, so I just had to go in for a coffee.

Inside Sid's Cafe.
After having a coffee & a bit of cake, I left Sid's cafe and went for a walk around the town looking for some lunch. Lunch came in the form of a portion of chips, after my lunch I went to find the houses Compo and Nora Batty lived in. These can be found in a road called Scarfold, just off Hollowgate. Nora Batty's house is now a Holiday Cottage, which anyone can rent. Not sure if Compo's house is used for anything, but just down from there, there is a Last of the Summer Wine shop. From here I headed back to my car and headed home. I would love to spend more time in the area, to explore more locations from the program, and maybe complete the original walk I started out to do.