Harewood, has a lot to offer, you can visit the house and gardens of Harewood house, there are loads of walks to go on from the village, some going through the Estate grounds (the set for the TV soap Emmerdale is situated on the Estate).
At the Muddy Boots Café, at the back of the village hall, you can get some lovely food and drinks, and if you time it right, you can watch the Red Kites swooping down for food from the garage roof opposite, which a resident of Harewood has put out.
On Wednesday 17th August 2016, I went for an evening walk with a group I have been on walks with before. They are called The Wharfe Valley Wanderers, I found this group through a web site called Meetup. On the site there are loads of groups covering various subjects, like walking, photography, eating out and wine tasting, you look for groups which you are interested in and become a member.
I am a member of three walking groups and photography group. The Wharfe Valley Wanderers being one of them, you get notifications of up and coming events/walks and it is up to you if you want to join in. I got such a notification about an evening walk of around 4 miles starting from Harewood village hall, so I sent an R.S.V.P.

Just some of the other residents that can be found on Harewood Estate.
The start point of the walk, was in the car park of Harewood Village Hall (a place I know very well, due to going there to take photos of the Red Kites), the start time was 19:00.
On the site, there is a comments section, I checked this when I got in from work, and noticed that one of the group was in need of a lift, so i replied to his comment, letting him know that I could give him a lift, we arranged a time of 18:20. I picked up Roger just after 18:20, and we headed off to Harewood.
We arrived at the village hall at around 18:45. The car park was filling up quickly. Once parked, I paid for the parking in the honesty box; I then paid my Meetup charge of £1. Once Roger had paid his Meetup charge, he gave me £2 to cover the parking and my Meetup charge.
There were a couple of Red Kites still flying around, but I didn’t get chance to take any decent photos, I hadn’t brought my 300mm lens with me.

Harewood Castle.
The castle is nothing more than a ruin now.
At around 19:05 we set off to Harewood Castle, from the front of the village hall, we headed down the left hand side of the hall, then past the back of a row of houses, coming out onto a road, follow this road until it bends round to the right, go left here. It looks like you going down some ones drive way, but as you clear the houses, there is a track straight ahead. Follow the track down a slope and under a tunnel. When you emerge from the tunnel, if you look left, you might see some deer in the field. Follow the path to the right, just before an information board, turn right and over the ha-ha (sunken ditch), you will see some steps sticking out of the wall in front of you, go up these, then follow the track uphill going to the left. The castle is on your left a little way along the track. We stopped here for a while so people could take photos.

Members of The Wharfe Valley Wanderers viewing Harewood Castle.
When we set off again, we continued along the track which now went downhill, the main Harrogate road is just the other side of a wall to the front as you get to the bottom of the hill, the track goes left, which takes us past the base of the castle. Here we turned right to re-cross the small moat, going down another set of steps. Once on the other side of the moat we turned left, following the track, eventually returning to the information board. From here we retrace our steps back through the tunnel to the road.

Members of the group back on the path, on the other side of the ha-ha.
Once back at the road, we turned left, following the road out of the little housing estate to the main Harrogate road. Here we turned left, we crossed the road when it was safe to do so (this is a very busy road even at this time of night, so care must be taken when crossing). Still following the road, until a wide track appears on the right. We followed this track down the hill, heading away from the road. The further you go down the track, the narrower it gets. Eventually the tack continues right, we turned left. The river Wharfe can be seen through the trees to the right, to the left is a farmer’s field. We continued along the track for a short distance, until Rosaleen (the walk leader) called us all together, here she pointed across the farmer’s field, to point out the you could see Harewood Castle sticking out from the trees. Rosaleen also took this opportunity to take a group photo. The track headed into the trees, we are still following the bank of the river. As we enter the trees, there is a stone structure, no idea what it is for. Here we met another walking group coming in the opposite direction, it wasn’t until they had gone, that I learned they were the Alwoodley Walking Group, a group which I have only been on one walk with.

The random stone structure amongst the trees.
We continued along the track, emerging from the trees, to follow the edge of the farmer’s field again. As we approached the end of the field, I noticed I could get down to the river’s edge, so I took this opportunity to take some photos. A little further along the track, we went right, to cross a wooden bridge, where the track led up to a gap in a wall. Once through the gap, we had to cross the Harrogate road again, we had to cross in groups of two or three, as there was no pavement on the other side of the road and another small gap in a wall to get through (a lot of care is needed when crossing here, as it is just after a bend, and just before a small humpbacked bridge).

Looking across the farmer's field at Harewood Castle.
From here we go slight left, heading to the back of a shed and conservatory suppliers, going past big log piles (the track is not very clear here, so head towards a big metal gate with a farm house to the left of it).We went to the left of the metal gate, where there is a sprung loaded wooden gate, once through the gate, with the house in front of us, we headed left past the farm house, then turned right, heading across the field to a large gap in the hedge, once through the gap we turned right again, heading along the side of the farm buildings. When we got to the far side of the field, we turned left to follow the edge of the field to a stile. Once over the stile turn left over another stile, which brings you onto Otley Road, follow the road for a short distance, then cross the road onto a drive way leading into the Harewood House Estate. We followed the drive over a cattle grid and up past some estate buildings. When we got past the buildings, the field to the right had a load of deer in it. It was here Rosaleen, called for us to take five minutes for a drink or take photos.
After our little break, we continued along the drive, until we arrived at a cross roads, we turned left, still heading uphill. I have walked in this part of the estate before, and knew there was a possibility of getting a nice photo from the top of the hill, so I made sure I was at the front of the group, so I wouldn’t be too far behind once I had taken some photos. From here it is a straight track down over another cattle grid, continue to follow the drive until we arrived back at the village hall.

The view from the top of the hill just before we arrived back at the village hall
Some went to the Harewood Arms pub, for a quick drink, and some went home. I had to go home as I had an early start for work, I dropped Roger off, and I got home around 21:45.
Harewood & Around Harewood Estate Walk 11th May 2014
I found this walk in one of my books (50 walks in West Yorkshire), a walk of around 7miles.
The walk starts from the 1st lay-by on the left on the A659. From the lay-by, head away from the village, and after about 50yds cross the road to take the track leading to New Laithe Farm. On m way down the track, I was confronted by a herd of sheep being moved by the farmer.

The lay-by, the start of the walk.

The herd of sheep coming along the track from New Laithe Farm
Go to the left of the farm buildings, picking up a gravel track, and head to the valley bottom. Go through a gate and head half left up the field, towards Hollin Hall. Stay left of the buildings and pass Hollin Hall pond.
Once clear of the pond head left around the corner of Spring Wood, and follow the track at the edge of the field to the corner. Go through the gates and then continue uphill the track becomes enclosed, follow to the junction.
Go right at the junction along the crest of the hill, the track levels out (this is the Leeds Country Way). Go straight ahead at the junction, then through a gate, skirt around woodland to emerge into a lane (Wike Lane). Follow the lane to reach the A61.

Hollin Hall Pond with Hollin Hall in the bckground
Once at the A61, straight in front across the road, is an entrance to the Harewood Estate (cross the road with care, very busy and fast road). Enter the Estate, follow the track straight ahead. Harewood House comes into view in the distance to the right.

The entrance to Harewood Estate, across the A61 Harrogate Road.
Continue to follow the track through a gate into the woods, once over a stone bridge, turn left. After around 100yds, bear right at a fork in the track, keeping to the main track. The track goes right, dipping down across a stream. Go right at the junction, down to another junction, turning right again. The track bends to the left out of the trees going past Carr House. Carry on straight with the wood to the left, following the path round to the left at the next junction, going uphill next to a high wall to meet a metalled drive. Bear left to a crossroads, then straight ahead over a bridge, then head uphill beside the Home Farm complex.

Looking back to the stone bridge, just after entering the woods.
Follow the drive into the deer park; stay right at the next crossroads. Continue uphill, the drive levels out then heads down gradually, continue along the drive through the woodland, eventually emerging out of the woodlands into the village of Harewood. As you emerge, if you fancy a drink and something to eat, then turn left through the village hall car park, at the back of the village hall is the Muddy Boots Café. This was the 1st time I had been to the café, and also the 1st time I saw how low the Red Kites fly near to the café. After a slice of cake and a coffee, I had a go at taking some photos of the Red Kites. I then returned to the road and followed it to the junction with the A61.

The best photo I took of a Red Kite, on this walk, the first time I visited the Muddy Boots Cafe.
care, cross the A61, and go right for about 50yds. Then go left along a drive just before The Harewood Arms Hotel. After Maltkiln House, the way continues through a gate as a track. Go through a second gate, and continue for around 350yds to a junction, go right over a cattle grid and along a bridleway until you reach the A659 near to the lay-by.

A field of rapeseed viewed from Wike Lane