23rd September 2018
Off To Wales

A double rainbow near to Castell Dinas Brân.
After shoehorning all our luggage into my car (you would have thought we were going away for a fortnight), we set off at around 11:00am, the traffic wasn’t too bad. As we neared Chester, we were all getting hungry, so we decided to head into the outskirts of Chester to find somewhere to eat. We ended up going to The Oaklands Hotel (Hungry Horse Restaurant) in Chester for lunch. After lunch we continued on to Llangollen, we arrived at Jessie’s around 14:00pm.
We also met Jessie's new to us cats (Marmaduke & Baxter). From Jessie's flat, you can see Castel Dinas Brân, every time we visit Jessie, I want to go up to the ruins, but I never seem to get the chance. After catching up for a couple of hours, we left to go and check in at the guest house, which is only just around the corner from Jessie’s.

Marmaduke the poser, Baxter was the shy one.
After getting our stuff in the room and chilling out for a while, we walked back to Jessie’s for tea, which consisted of various buffet items. We then all went out with Jessie to the Llangollen RAFA Club, Jessie goes there to play bingo a couple of nights a week, Sunday being one of them, so she invited us along. It was very friendly in there, Susie won twice, and while it was going on Ben & I had a couple of games of pool (I won twice, both by default though, as Ben had this habit of potting the Black before he should). We then went back to Jessie’s and then headed back to the guest house (time for bed).