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12th September 2015

The Departure

I was up at around 05:10, had a shave, then washed up and made a coffee. It was raining, so I didn't go up the top of the garden.
Once we were all packed and cars loaded, we left the cottage at around 09:00, and we popped down to the visitor centre. We all had a good look around the visitor centre, buying a few gifts. When we left the visitor centre, we said our goodbyes to each other and wished each other safe journeys home, and we left Llanfair PG at around 09:40.
I went to Tesco in Bangor to get fuel for my journey home, and who should pull up to the pump next to mine? Andy and James, once fuelled up, we said our goodbyes again, and went our separate ways.
I arrived home at around 12:30.
I would like to thank Andy & Les for arranging this week, I would also like to thank Andy & James for allowing me to be part of it, and for giving me some photographic tips along the way. I would also like to thank Susie, my wife, for allowing me to go.
As normal, I plan to do so much when I go away, but in reality I don't get everything I wanted to do done! I did the major things I wanted to do, Tryfan being the major event of my week in North Wales, I enjoyed the whole day on Tryfan, but I must admit, I was worn out by the time I got back down to the Idwal cottage car park.
The other major thing I wanted from this week in North Wales, was to relax and chill out with good company, and I would say I managed that every day. This is the idea of going to North Wales for me, being able to relax and chill out, do what you want to do, and get away from the stresses of normal life!
The only major downer to the whole week, was that it came to an end! As the saying goes " all good things come to an end"
Saying that, for the following week, I was still on a high from this week away, if you could bottle this up, it would probably be an illegal high!
So a quick recap then, some great nights/early hours taking photos of the night sky, with some passible results. Then a return for Andy and me to South Stack Lighthouse, although I was not overly pleased with most of my photos that day.
Then to Penrhyn Castle, this is a beautiful place to visit, it helps when the weather is good though, I was pleased with my photos this day, especially the ones of the robin stalking Andy. Some more night sky photos, I was enjoying taking these photos, and I was quite pleased with some of the results.

The day I had been looking forward to, Tryfan! The weather was great, so no excuses, not that I would ever use any. The day was mine to do as I pleased. I took loads of photos with my camera and my phone. I have loved climbing this mountain since my friend Colin introduced me to it way back in 1990, I never get tired of climbing it.

James and I visited Llanberis, a bit of a downer we couldn't get a ticket for the Snowdon Railway, I think the views from the summit of Snowdon would have been brilliant. Instead we explored the shores of Llyn Padarn. Finding the mysterious door in a stone wall, and also finding our way to Dolbadarn Castle, which I have seen from the road for many years, but have never been to. Some nice photos taken this day.

A trip to Swallow Falls and Fairy Glen, I had been past Swallow falls every time I went to North Wales, but never visited them. Well after a bit of tuition from Andy, I got some quite impressive photos of the falls (well impressive to me anyway). A nice lunch in Betws y Coed, then onto Fairy Glen, and another chance to use my newly learnt skills with my camera. Then we finished the day off with a very nice curry on the way back to the cottage.

Our last full day was to be made up as we went along sort of day, which worked well. We started off by going to Red Wharf Bay, had a nice coffee and a bit of cake, then took some photos of the bay. We then visited the village of Moelfire for lunch. From here we decided to go and visit Portmeirion, the Italian inspired village where The Prisoner TV series was filmed. Portmeirion is worth a visit, but I would advise to go later in the day (around 15:30) as the entrance fee is reduced then. I don't think I could spend the whole day there, it is pretty, but it does remind me of the building you would get at a theme park, I think maybe because of the bright coloured buildings, not sure to be honest, now I have seen it, I do not think I would want to go again, but it is worth a visit.

I thoroughly enjoyed my week in North Wales, I will have some great memories from the week. The chance to get away from the rat race, and just chillout, relax and do what you want when you want is the best medicine you could wish for, and when you have great company to share that time with who are after the same rest and relaxation, it makes for a wonderful week.

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