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06th September 2015

South Stack Lighthouse

I woke up at around 05:30am, unable to get back to sleep, so I made myself a coffee and just relaxed on the sofa, while Andy & James slept. I took a walk up the slope in the back garden to see what the weather looked like over the mainland; it was just as cloudy as it was here.

At around 08:30 Andy got up. I made us both a cup of spicy Chai. I went up the slope again to get a signal on my phone, to see if Susie had sent me a text, but not yet! Andy started to cook breakfast!

As the weather was over cast today, we decided to go to South Stack Lighthouse on Holyhead. In 2008 Andy, Ray, Len and I visited this lighthouse; the weather was a lot better than it was today! So we left the cottage at around 11:00, arriving at the car park by the cafe/ticket office around 11:30. We walked up the road to just above the lighthouse. After taking some photos we headed down a track which leads to the RSPB building near the cliffs, from here we took some more photos. I managed to get a couple of photos of a seal swimming below in the distance. From here we followed the cliff top path a short way past the RSPB building to take some photos towards mainland Wales.

While James was still taking some photos, Andy and I headed up another path to the cafe, I treated us to a coffee and a cake each; we went and sat outside to watch the world go by, while waiting for James to meet up with us. We kept a look out for James to come up the track we had come up, but he suddenly appeared from a different direction. He had retraced the route we had taken to get down to the RSPB building. I gave James some money to get himself a drink and piece of cake; we carried on chatting and watching the world go by. We left at around 14:45, and called into ASDA on our way back to the cottage for some ingredients for tonight’s meal. We arrived back at the cottage around 15:30, where Andy started to prepare tonight’s meal, which is to be roast garlic lamb with dauphinoise potatoes, peas and cauliflower, with red wine gravy, I had bought a bottle of red wine to accompany this meal called Echo Falls fruit fusion with raspberry and cassis, which I had tried before but Andy hadn't, he said it was like alcoholic vimto. We had this lovely meal round 19:30. After which I washed up and James dried up.

This is about the time my day went wrong! I could feel a lurking headache coming on! I straight away took a couple of paracetamol, I made my excuses and went straight to bed, and it was around 21:00 at this point! I woke up around 00:30 with a more intense pain, no matter where I lay my head, I was not comfortable! Eventually, at about 01:15 I had to get up and take more pain relief. I went back to bed, and after about an hour I fell asleep!

A seal swimming below the cliffs of South Stack lighthouse.

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